Monday, December 11, 2017

On Ringo Lake 2017 Part 3 Link Up

Another clue, another week closer to Christmas and time for "me" sewing is very limited. But I did squeeze in a little bit here and there.  Cut a few, sewed a few, size looks right, press, trim and repeat.

Here they are laid out ready to sew, making sure they are going in the correct direction and don't go awry.
Then I began chain piecing them two at a time. I sewed one corner on two, cut the first one off, spun it around and sewed the other corner.  From there I kept alternating so I could sew both ends on without losing my place. 

They all came out great, of course I've only done a few but so far so good. Two are flipped over (bottom left) just to compare to Bonnie's and verify they are pressed correctly. And the bonus triangles did not get sewn.  They went in the bag for dog beds for the Humane Society.  I love small but these are just too small.

A little side note here. I love my wonder clips.  Recently I purchased the mini clips.  Here they are side by side. These little ones work great for clipping the stacks of components together.  I like clipping better than pinning.  And if you have long hair, or you're in between haircuts, the little ones work great as hair clips.  Twist and clip several times and you have a faux french braid. Always like to multi-purpose my tools.
And finally, a great way to store wonder clips is an empty gum container.  This one was Dentyne.  I fill it with the lid fully open then use the small opening to get them out or put them away one at a time. Keeps them corralled and if I knock it over they don't fly everywhere.

That's it for this link up.  Thanks for visiting.  See you next week.
Joyfully making progress,

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